employment in korea
Can international students work in Korea?
2023. 2. 3.
키키네 사감
Working in Korea for international students
I am a foreign student who recently came to Korea to study. I want to experience not only studying but also working in Korea. Can foreign students work in Korea?
Yes, international students can of course work in Korea! However, since foreign students came to Korea to study, they can do part-time work called a part-time job.
Conditions for allowing foreign students to work part-time (part-time work)
In order to work part-time, foreign students who have come to Korea with a status of study abroad or general training must have a certain level of Korean proficiency and must receive confirmation from the international student manager at the school. In addition, language trainees in elementary, middle, and high schools are not allowed to work part-time, except for graduates.
In addition, part-time jobs are not possible for students who have completed their bachelor's degree or study abroad course but cannot graduate due to lack of credits, etc., and remain in Korea as an exception. However, it is possible to work part-time for students preparing for the thesis after completing the master's or doctoral course. However, if you do not graduate due to lack of credits or poor attendance, you will not be able to get a part-time job, just like undergraduate students. In addition, part-time jobs for thesis preparation students are limited to 30 hours per week, and unlimited hours are not allowed during holidays, holidays, and vacations.
Areas where part-time jobs are permitted among international students
1. General interpreting, translation, restaurant assistant, general office assistant, etc. 2. Store salesperson, restaurant clerk, event assistant, etc. in an English village or English camp (Chinese, Japanese, and other foreign language-related camps are also acceptable) 3. Tour guide assistant and Duty-free shop sales assistance, etc. 4. Part-time jobs in the manufacturing and construction industries are not allowed, but if you have TOPIK level 4 (or completed KIIP level 4) or higher, you can work in the manufacturing industry.
Allowable part-time job for international students Korean proficiency level and hours
Depending on the course, the level of Korean proficiency and hours of time that foreign students can work part-time are slightly different.
First of all, language course students can work part-time after 6 months regardless of their grade. If you do not have TOPIK level 2 or higher, you can work part-time up to 10 hours a week regardless of weekdays, weekends, or vacation periods.
Professional Bachelor students can start working part-time right away, regardless of their academic year. If you do not have TOPIK level 3 or higher, you can work part-time up to 10 hours a week regardless of weekdays, weekends, or during vacations.
The undergraduate course is similar to the professional bachelor course students, but the Korean proficiency level is TOPIK level 3 or higher for 1st and 2nd year students, and TOPIK level 4 or higher for 3rd and 4th year students.
Also, master's and doctoral programs are similar to bachelor's programs. A little different is that if you don't have a TOPIK level 4 or higher, you can work part-time up to 15 hours a week, regardless of weekdays, weekends, or vacation periods.
Permission for foreign students to work part-time
In order for foreign students to work part-time, it is important to meet the conditions, but they must obtain an activity permit. You can apply in person, but if you are a foreign student under the age of 17, a guardian such as a parent or other cohabitant can act on your behalf.
To apply for an activity permit for part-time work, submit the following documents to the competent immigration office or branch office of the competent immigration office.
1. Passport 2. Alien Registration Card 3. Standard Admission Certificate or Certificate of Enrollment that includes the details of the evaluation of academic ability and financial ability
In this way, foreign students can also work part-time while studying. If you have a job other than a part-time job, you must change your status of residence to suit the type of job. To change the status of stay, submit the necessary documents along with the application for permission to change the status of stay to the local immigration office.
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