Korea University & Graduate School
Textbooks are too expensive!!!
2023. 3. 27.
Tani's Story

In universities, textbooks may be provided differently depending on the professor's teaching style or content.

Some classes may be structured so that the professor provides lecture notes or PPT, or allows students to fully understand the lecture content without having to purchase a separate textbook.

On the other hand, in other classes, the professor may recommend or require textbooks. In this case, if you do not purchase the textbook, you may find it difficult to attend the lecture, so it is necessary to purchase the textbook.

Therefore, since the method of providing textbooks differs depending on the class, we must select and purchase appropriate textbooks according to the curriculum of each class and the guidance of the professor.

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The price of textbooks in Korea is relatively high compared to other countries. When I was a freshman, I bought textbooks worth over 200,000 won. But starting from the second semester, I paid less. Thanks to used books/textbooks.

Buying used textbooks can save you money compared to buying new ones. Used textbooks are cheaper than new textbooks, so they can be a good option for those with a limited budget or those who feel the high cost of purchasing textbooks.

There are many ways to buy used textbooks.

Used bookstores: Used bookstores are bookstores that specialize in used textbooks. Representative used bookstores include Kyobo Book Center and Yes24 .

Internet Used Bookstores: Internet used bookstores are bookstores that sell used textbooks online. You can simply order through the Internet, and there are often discount events. Representative online second-hand bookstores include Aladdin and YES24 second-hand stores.

Second-hand trading sites: Second-hand trading sites are sites that trade used textbooks between individuals. Representative second-hand trading sites include Used Nara, Carrot Market, and Lightning Market . Since transactions are between sellers and buyers on second-hand trading sites, detailed information must be checked in advance to ensure reliability in the transaction process, and safe transactions must be conducted.

University Exchange: University exchange student associations sometimes sell used textbooks at a discounted price. When looking for textbooks used by college students, it is worth purchasing from Everytime .

However, there are a few things to keep in mind when buying used textbooks.

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Check the condition of textbooks: When buying or selling used textbooks, you should carefully check the condition of the textbooks. You need to check whether there are any pressure, water scratches, or handwriting marks on the cover or contents, and set the price accordingly. Also, if there is a lot of handwriting, the professor who uses the textbook may not allow it, so you need to be careful.

Check the transaction method: When trading used textbooks, you should check the transaction method in advance. If it is a face-to-face transaction, it is better to conduct the transaction in a safe place. Also, if you use postal delivery, it's a good idea to get photos and other materials so you can check the condition of the textbook.

Check textbook information: When purchasing used textbooks, be sure to check whether the textbook is the latest version, a copy, or a textbook recommended by the professor.

Negotiating price when trading: When trading used textbooks, price negotiation is possible. It is good for sellers and buyers to negotiate a price that is mutually acceptable.

When trading used textbooks, observe the above precautions to ensure safe and reasonable transactions.

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