study in korea
Improvement of international student visa system (3)
2023. 6. 25.
Tani's Story

Following (1) and (2), we continue with (3). We would like to inform you about the new part-time employment system for international students as follows.

Increase in hours allowed for part-time employment

Improve the part-time employment system to expand career exploration opportunities for international students. 20-25 hours of work per week are allowed for international students studying for a bachelor's degree and bachelor's degree, and 5 hours of additional work per week are allowed for excellent academic performance and Korean proficiency. Through this, we support small business owners who are having difficulties finding a job, and provide more job opportunities to international students within a range that does not interfere with their studies.

Specialization - Internship permitted

Also, during vacation, international students are allowed to do internships in their field of study. Previously, international students could only find employment in simple labor fields, but now they can gain intern experience in specialized fields. This is expected to help international students improve their expertise in their field of study and prepare for employment in Korea.

During vacation, field assignment (O) - part-time work permit (X)

In addition, if international students participate in field training, which is compulsory by law, and the 'standard field training semester system' of the Ministry of Education, they do not need to obtain a part-time work permit and are given the same opportunities for practice as domestic students.

These improved part-time employment schemes aim to help international students gain a wider range of experiences and explore career paths. We aim to provide a more favorable environment for international students to adapt to Korea and their future careers by establishing a system that allows them to harmonize their studies and employment.

The Ministry of Justice will continue to support the attraction of excellent international students through continuous cooperation with related ministries and universities. At the same time, he said he would make efforts to promote the qualitative growth of international students through appropriate partnership management so that the study abroad system is not abused as a means of illegal stay or illegal employment.

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