employment in korea
Visas that make your dreams come true in Korea, E-9 and H-2! Information on the Employment Permit System for international students 🌟
2024. 1. 31.

hello everyone! Hello, international students who want to work in Korea! Today, we will learn about the Employment Permit System for foreigners who can work in Korea for 3 years through the 'E-9' and 'H-2' visas.

It is said that it is becoming difficult to find Korean workers at construction sites these days due to the difficult employment situation. Therefore, the number of companies seeking to hire foreign workers is increasing, and the solution to this is the Foreign Employment Permit System.

This employment permit system mainly helps small and medium-sized enterprises that have difficulty finding domestic workers. Employers can systematically manage foreign workers by receiving an employment permit from the government. Through this, we can make up for the shortage of manpower.

The Employment Permit System allows the hiring of non-professional foreign workers, mainly for simple labor positions, and these workers can work in Korea for three years after first employment. After 3 years, you can be re-employed and work for up to 1 year and 10 months, so you can work in Korea for up to 5 years.

The Employment Permit System includes the General Employment Permit System and the Special Employment Permit System. The General Employment Permit System is used to hire foreign workers who have signed a work contract before entering the country and been issued an 'E-9' visa. This visa can be issued in many countries and allows foreign workers to be hired in manufacturing, construction, and some service industries.

The Special Employment Permit System is used to hire foreign nationals with an ‘H-2’ visa. Foreign nationals from China and former Soviet Union countries can receive an 'H-2' visa.

If you receive an 'E-9' or 'H-2' visa and work in Korea, you can work for 3 years from the date of entry, and the period of stay can be extended through re-employment at the request of the employer. The government announces the amount of foreign workers introduced every year, and through this, determines the employment limit for each business site.

Recruiting foreign workers through the Employment Permit System involves several steps. These steps consist of efforts to recruit Koreans, application for foreign employment permit, issuance of employment permit, conclusion of employment contract, application and issuance of visa issuance certificate, entry and employment training for foreign workers, workplace placement, employment and stay support, etc.

More detailed information can be found through the Foreign Employment Management System operated by the Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Korea Employment Information Service, the Employment Permit System Integrated Service of the Human Resources Development Service of Korea, and WorkinKorea operated by the Labor-Management Development Foundation.

Recently, the government has been making efforts to improve foreign manpower policies. It was decided to increase the employment limit for each workplace of the employment permit system through the 'E-9' and 'H-2' visas and to add quotas this year.

In addition, we plan to actively respond to the demand for field manpower by significantly increasing the quota for the 'E-7-4' visa for skilled workers, so please look forward to it!

I have introduced employment information for international students. I hope you found this blog post helpful, and I wish you great experiences and success in Korea! Cheer up everyone! 🌟

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