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Information on requiring identification when visiting hospitals and clinics
2024. 6. 18.
Tani's Story

Starting May 20, 2024, you must bring your health insurance card or identification card to receive health insurance benefits at all hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies. This new regulation has been introduced to provide faster and more accurate service. Therefore, please be sure to bring your ID when visiting a hospital or clinic.

Verifiable identification document

There are several types of identification you can use to receive health insurance benefits. Physical identification cards include resident registration card, driver's license, passport (for new passports, passport information certificate can be attached), disabled person registration card, national veterans registration card, health insurance card, alien registration card, foreign nationality Korean residence report card (F-4), and permanent resident card. (F-5) etc. are accepted. However, please note that a copy of your ID is not accepted.

You can also use mobile ID. Mobile health insurance cards (including QR authentication), mobile ID cards (driver's license, national veterans registration card), and ID cards registered in mobile verification services such as Government 24, PASS, and KB Star Banking are also accepted.

Identity verification exceptions

In certain situations, identity verification is possible without an identification document. Exceptions include persons under 19 years of age, patients who have been hospitalized in the relevant medical institution within the past 6 months, receiving medication from a pharmacy or Korea Rare Commodity Center according to a prescription from a doctor, etc., or receiving a referral or referral for treatment. , and there are emergency patients under Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the 「Emergency Medical Services Act」.

In accordance with the new regulations, please bring your ID to receive health insurance benefits. If you have any questions, please contact your hospital, clinic, or pharmacy.

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